Tank storage

Tank monitoring program for petroleum products

Tank monitoring program

This program allows you to shedule tank inspections to avoid leakages. For each storage tank the corrosion risk of the tankbottom is monitored.

The program is suited for petroleum products and is based on the measurement results of a dedicated set of analyses and measurements on your storage tanks.

The program can be used for above ground storage, tankfarms and underground storage.

You advantage

Tank inspections can be planned in function of the evolution of the leakage risk for each individual tank.

Your gain

this program helps you to improve your tank inspection program by providing an extra tool that allows you to set priorities.

As a result it helps to avoid: leakages, soil-and groundwater contamination and product losses.

Module 1: Tankfarms and above ground storage tanks

This module allows you to improve the planning of your inspection program for your underground storagetanks to avoid tank leakage.

The conclusions of this program are based on the combined result of a dedicated set of samplings, measurements and analyses in different fields: organoleptic, chemical, electrochemical, microbiological, on the drainwater and the tank bottom sludge.

Module 2: underground tankstorage

This module allows you to improve the planning of your inspection program for your tanks to avoid tank leakage. It can be used for service stations as well as for individual tanks

The conclusions of this program are based on the combined result of a dedicated set of measurements on the tank, the soil and the tank appendages.


Office Erpe-Mere
Beekkantstraat 5, 9420 Erpe-Mere
Office Wavre
Av. Pasteur 6 Bât H, 1300 Wavre